Over five years ago I dated a guy who dumped me for no reason- and he wasn’t nice about it. Much to my surprise he called me last week...
Marks the Spot
My Ex got married last week in what was the wedding of my dreams. Down to the venue and the flowers it’s exactly what I told him I wanted...
Keeps on Ticking
I’ve been single for six months and my friends are hammering me to get out there and date again. I’m not sure I’m ready to put myself out...
Who's on First?
I’ve been dating a divorced guy with kids. Even though he shares custody with his Ex, he will cut dates short or blow them off entirely...
FOMO... Oh No!
My Ex’s family and I are still close and because of that I get invited to various family functions. My Ex and I are on OK terms, but he...
Word on the Street
I recently experienced a breakup and I know my Ex is twisting the story to make him look good and me look like the bad guy. How can I get...
To Go, or not To Go...
I received an invitation to my 20th high school reunion which normally wouldn’t be a problem but for me it is. Being gay in high school...
Something Old, Something New
Through some friends I learned that my Ex has a new boyfriend. I have no idea why it bothers me. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had a...