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June Bug

I went on three dates with a guy and even though I like him he’s constantly texting and calling… it’s as if he’s on the accelerated path to a relationship whereas I’m more of a slow cooker kind of guy. Even though I’m interested how do I deal with him bugging me all the time.

Let the calls go to voicemail and don’t read the texts until it’s a good time for you to respond. Make it clear to him that you’re enjoying him and excited about the prospect of getting closer but be clear that you can’t communicate at just anytime during the day because of your work. The very last thing he wants to do is offend you so try being easy in your delivery; find that balance of getting your point across without scolding or appearing uninterested in him.

How do you know if your partner is cheating?

You’ll know when you have concrete, indisputable evidence that they’re actually cheating. Going on a hunch and making a confrontation based on it is a sizable mistake. You’ll know he’s cheating when you have undeniable proof and IF that happens it’s best to take a beat and digest it before a confrontation. Knee jerk reactions won’t best serve you in the long run.

I’m in a relationship with a great guy- what’s not so great is that now that we’re “IG official” it seems the only time we go out it’s with another couple or a group- mainly his friends. How do I get a date night for two instead of a posse?

It’s as easy as making a reservation for a table for two… plan a date night for a duet, not an entire ensemble. Tell him that you’re going out for a little one-on-one time and that as fun as it is seeing friends you really need some dates with just him. Take the initiative and plan it- he’s sure to appreciate the effort and see value in alone time.

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