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Dumpsters and Dilemmas

My boyfriend dumped me and at first I was pretty upset but it quickly changed to anger and annoyance. Not because of the breakup (now I’m actually more than OK with it) but because he keeps contacting me asking me to get back together. I don’t think it’s because he really wants me and misses our relationship- I think it’s because the other option didn’t pan out.

Making the decision to end a relationship isn’t one that should be made without confident conviction. It sounds like your Ex might have been certain at the time but in retrospect he didn’t really think everything through- especially if he was exiting to enter another relationship. It seems you’re more than ok with the Free Agent status he gave you, so enjoy moving forward and in doing so block his number- let him enjoy sleeping in the bed that he made.

Around a month ago my relationship ended, and I’m doing the best I can to move forward. My problem is with what’s left behind… the various gifts he gave me throughout our time together. Granted I like the gifts and use them, but I feel like they’re holding me back from moving forward.

If you like and use the gifts, then you should snap out of it and keep them. It isn’t the gift’s fault that the gift-giver turned out to be a douche… think of it like you rescued them from a bad, bad home. Keep moving forward, and keep enjoying your stuff.

What do you say when you unexpectedly run into your Ex?

“Scored an early parole I see” comes to mind as a viable option. But seriously, less is more…. Can’t go wrong with a simple “hello”, followed by a simpler “enjoy your day” as you keep walking.

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