Welcome Back, Dater!

My online dating life has plummeted since the beginning of Covid-19. I’ve talked to a lot of guys but nobody wants to get together.

Living through a global pandemic can be a pain in the ass, as we all know. The silver lining is that all good things come to those who wait. Good things also come to those who are smart. A first date brings its own share of nerves and you really don’t want the first meetup to include one more thing to bring about worry. Hang tight, keep chatting with potential dates and be confident that you’ll be back to in-person dating in no time.

I’m re-entering the dating scene and everyone it telling me to go online. I’ve never done that before- is that my only options these days?

By no means is online dating the only way to meet people. In fact where many make a mistake is to rely solely on the online dating apps to source dates. Try taking a class or going to mixers to meet people. Let your friends know you’re back and ready to date and be brave enough to ask for a fix-up. Getting involved in your community is a great way to meet others and to give back! See how it goes, and if you ever want to try online dating it will be there waiting!

I’ve been single since the first of the year and needless to say I haven’t had any dates because of Sheltering in Place. In a way it’s a good thing because I’ve had plenty of time to get over the past relationship. Now I’m ready to get myself out there and I’m thinking of trying online dating. What advice can you give me to create a kick-ass profile?

It’s all in the words you choose to brand yourself (and yes, by creating a dating profile you are marketing the product that’s you!). You don’t want to fall in the trap of writing all about what you’re seeking instead of focusing on what you bring to a potential relationship. Fun, simple and not too wordy are the way to go, focusing on creating a story that leaves a potential date wanting more. As for pictures, post ones that aren’t all selfies… current pictures of you having fun living your best life is the way to go.

You’ve got this!

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