Games People Play

Games People Play

I’ve met several guys online, and after a week or so of texting I’ll suggest we get together. At that point, they vanish. Why does this happen?

It most likely has nothing to do with you but is symptomatic of whatever their motivation is regarding online dating. Maybe they’re looking to score a texting relationship or maybe they’re just testing the waters of attracting dates just to see if they can do it before ending the relationship they’re in. Many are only comfortable behind a keyboard as opposed to a face-to-face encounter. Their reason doesn’t change the fact that you’re not going on a real date with type of this person. It’s best to move on to the next with the hope that their online dating motivation mirrors yours.

My wife and I were invited to a game night, and I’m nervous about going. Not because I’m phobic of games but because she’s so hyper competitive I’m afraid she’ll show a side of her personality our friends have never seen. How do I tell her to leave the competitive beast at home and just enjoy the evening?

Just tell her. Reminding your wife that she can still have fun even if she dials her competitiveness down a notch shouldn’t get you in the penalty box. If it does, you can spend your time-out knowing that you tried to reason with her. Let the game night play out and if your wife tackles a friend, I’m sure she’ll deliver a winning apology.

Baseball season is around the corner and it’s when I officially lose my husband until October. What can I do to get him to focus on other things besides the game?

If the game makes him happy, try remembering that it’s only a couple nights per week that he’ll be watching. Use that time for you, as I’m sure there’s something you’re passionate about that you’d like to pursue. As for spending time with your husband, you’ve got at least three other days to plan an outing that doesn’t involve three strikes.

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